(The following tips have been taken from the following full guides to pitbull training: Pitbulls Revealed and The Pitbull Guide)
1. Praise Must Be Earned
Constantly praising a dog is a bad idea - too much praise means that when you really should praise a dog it has less value - your dog is used to it already. Once your dog learns a new command / trick then stop constantly praising it. For example if it already sits on command then don't praise it for doing so, only praise it when it learns something new.
2. Ignore Attention Seeking Behavior
Don't give your dog too much attention, otherwise it will keep acting up and may even get out of control to seek the attention it knows it will receive. For example; if you are sitting watching TV and your dog constantly jumps up onto your lap then this behavior can't be acknowledged or it will never stop. Take it off your lap and ask it to sit. This way you keep control of the situation.
3. Avoid Aggression / Confrontation
If you have a naturally aggressive pitbull then you need to avoid confrontation at all costs. Show your dog that aggression is not an option and won't be tolerated. If your dog learns that all it has to do is bark and you back down then it will apply this behavior in all situations and it will be controlling you. Don't accept this, show your dog who is boss in all situations and it will lose the power of aggression.
4. Never Accept Demanding Behavior
Sometimes your dog might be pretty persistent, but again you must show it who is the boss and if, for example it keeps barking at you then don't give it your attention. Ignore it and show it that demanding behavior won't be accepted. After being ignored it will soon learn that this will not work. Once it has calmed down you can ask it to come to you and sit and give it a little praise / attention for calming down and reinforce this positive behavior instead
5. Toys Must Be Earned
To an untrained or young dog too many toys, or access to toys all of the time can lead to excitement and a loss of control. It is recommended to use toys as a reward and only let your dog use one toy at a time. Again, this shows the dog that you are in control.The dog has access to only one toy at a time. You control the use of toys and the time spent playing with them.
(These tips have been taken from the following guides to pitbull training: Pitbulls Revealed and The Pitbull Guide)
6. Keep To Set Feeding Times
Sticking to strict and regular feeding times is so important. Food is the whole world to a dog, and when you are the one that provides it (at set times, rather than it constantly having access to food) you really show you are the master.
7. Don't Allow High Places
Not allowing your dog access to areas such as chairs, tables, couches, beds etc shows the dog it is different, it is on a "social level" below you and other humans, and has a different set of rules. Dogs naturally feel more dominant and aggressive when on "higher ground" so keeping it on a lower level not only keeps your house tidy but keeps your dog obedient too.The dog should not be allowed to get on the bed or couch unless you ask. High places are a way dominant dogs gain control. Dogs (like people and other mammals) feel more authoritative when on a higher level
8. Make Your Dog EARN Freedom
Another way to keep control and keep a higher level of obedience is to use "freedom" as a reward. If it has been disobedient then even when you take it out keep it on a leash. Don't even let it releive itself without a leash. It will soon learn that good behavior in general leads to a larger amount of freedom.
9. Praise!
The dog training tips mentioned here can seem quite strict, but remember that fair is fair and your dog needs a little praise from time to time - as much as you should show it you are the boss praising behavior can be a great way to reinforce good behavior and lead to more of it.
10. Don't Expect Too Much
No matter how trained your dog is or isn't it is still an animal and no dog is perfect - expect a little bad behavior from time to time when it's natural instincts kick in.
These tips have been taken from the following resources:
1. Pitbulls Revealed (by Tim Amherst )
This is THE number one guide to training a pitbull terrier available online.It is a must have for any serious pitbull owner. It will answer all of your pit bull training questions, and show you how to train a pit bull to not just be an obedient and well behaved pet, but part of the family too.
Our Rating: 10/10
Click here to read more about Pitbulls Revealed and download it now2. The Pitbull Guide (by Chad Zetrouer)
This guide is different from Pitbulls Revealed above - arguable it is a more complete guide as it not only covers information on pitbull training, but also covers other areas such as he lifecycle of a pitbull, typical behavior patterns, spaying, health and nutrition, and even more.
Our Rating: 9.5/10
Click here to read more about The Pitbull Guide and download it3. Secrets To Dog Training
It is a downloadable ebook with 260+ pages, featuring easy to follow step by step instructions, and color picture guides.
That's not all - visit them now to receive a FREE 6 day course in dog training delivered via email